Wired and tired? Looking for work-life balance?

Do more differently by discovering who you really are.

Welcome! I'm Stacy Olinger and I'm thrilled to share my transformative journey with you.

πŸ”οΈ A Life Anchored in Alaska's Wilderness

I am an Alaskan adventurer, thriving amidst the grandeur of nature. For years, I believed that wielding a knife, a rope, and a fire starter was the pinnacle of capability. My self-worth rested on achievements and accolades. However, this perspective led me to an unforeseen crash that halted my world.

πŸ”₯ The Crash: From High Achiever to Burnout Survivor

A relentless pursuit of productivity and pleasing others landed me in a debilitating state. My body signaled distress with rashes, palpitations, and unending fatigue, a result of perpetual flight or fight mode. Despite this, I persisted, treating symptoms but neglecting the underlying cause.

🌟 Epiphany: Discovering the Path to Authentic Living

It took me six years of introspection to uncover the root cause. I realized my worth wasn't derived from accomplishments; my identity was wrapped up in doing, not being. Shifting from labels to embracing my true identity in God was the turning point. This shift ignited an unparalleled sense of ease, an energy renewal that transformed my life.

🌿 The Journey from Doing to Being

Now, I lead with intention, practicing self-compassion, meditation, and self-awareness. The constant chase for work-life balance vanished, replaced by inspired energy, leaving me invigorated and present for what matters mostβ€”my family and purpose.

✨ Join the Journey

Imagine transitioning from doing to fully living, becoming your most authentic self. I'm here to share what I've learned and continue learning. Together, let's embark on a path that leads to inspired, joyous living, leaving behind burnout and embracing a life in flow.

Let's journey together!